CSR Statement

Responsible business

“Winkel van Sinkel BV is an independent organization that engages in activities; The operation of one or more catering establishments in the broadest sense of the word.

Winkel van Sinkel takes its responsibility when it comes to socially responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship. Successful business with respect for society and the environment are central to this. This CSR statement is intended to provide interested parties with insight into our core values. CSR is an integral part of our corporate culture. We strive for a balance between healthy business performance, a better environment, and optimal well-being for our people and society.

Winkel van Sinkel makes moral choices in its actions and treats its people, customers, and environment in a respectful manner. In doing so, we respect and act in accordance with laws and regulations and the generally accepted norms and values. We pay attention to the needs of and are transparent in communication and making agreements with employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

The quality of our service plays an important role within our organization. We continue to train our employees to ensure our quality in the long term and invest extensively in quality and efficiency for all parties. In addition to achieving a healthy result, not only do individuals and their development matter, but society as a whole and the environment also have a central place within our organization. Some practical examples are:

Employee well-being
One of Winkel van Sinkel’s goals is the well-being of our employees. We promote the well-being of our employees by creating a healthy, good, and safe working environment. Properly applied labor regulations are in the interest of our employees, organization, and our guests. Winkel van Sinkel has prepared a Risk Inventory and Evaluation that has been tested. We encourage the pursuit of various forms of education and training that are accessible to all employees. This often leads to internal advancement, maximizing the use of knowledge and skills, and keeping our employees engaged and committed to our organization.

Winkel van Sinkel is a recognized training company and offers young people internships and learning opportunities. This way, we actively contribute to the development and transfer of knowledge to those who want to learn the trade. In recruitment and selection, competencies of future colleagues are considered, regardless of age, background, or disability.

Environmentally friendly entrepreneurship
In carrying out our activities, the best technical and economically responsible measures and facilities will be taken to minimize any adverse effects on the environment to the best of our ability. Our policy is to organize activities in such a way that they give high priority to preventing and reducing pollution.

When compiling our menu, we try to use seasonal products as much as possible. We also consider the origin of our products and prefer to source them from the Netherlands. To prevent overfishing, we work a lot with bycatch or alternatives listed on the green fish list. We separate our waste into nine different streams. For our waste materials, we collaborate with Clique. This company uses our waste materials as raw materials for new products. For example, our oyster mushroom croquettes and bitterballs are made with oyster mushrooms grown on our coffee grounds.

We have agreements with all our suppliers to limit delivery days as much as possible. Therefore, it is possible that we no longer have certain products because we choose not to be supplied daily. We expect our suppliers to make similar efforts for the environment.

Social responsibility
In terms of social responsibility, the relationship with the immediate surroundings is central to us, to which we want to make an active contribution. We like to involve our employees from the local area. This has a positive impact on the local economy. Additionally, we support various charitable causes. We inform our (professional) relationships that we engage in socially responsible entrepreneurship.

Dirk Velthuizen | Director”